Yakima River South of Ellensburg

Canyon River Ranch

Canyon River Ranch is a logging area halfway between Ellensburg and Yakima. There are rooms for rent, or of you find yourself completely enamored you can go all in with a 1/6 timeshare! The rooms are spacious and fully equipped with a kitchen, washer and dryer, 1.5 baths, gas fireplace, poolside access, and convenient access to the Yakima River.

Red’s Fly Shop & Fishing

Raft rentals are available through Red’s. They drop you in the water, and you just float along until you arrive back at their shop. It’s an enjoyable way to see the river.

Umpatanum Footbridge Hike

Hike up the bluff from the river’s edge. You get a decent view of the river from the top, although there are plenty of burrs to get stuck in your socks along the way!

Bridge to the Umpatanum Footbridge Hike trailhead

Foggy board at the start of the trail

Cross the tracks, climb the hill, and you are ultimately rewarded with this view of the river bend.