Angora Peak, OR

A beautiful hike just south of Cannon Beach!

This hike starts up logging roads and ends on single track and a little wooded scramble to the peak. Great workout and great views the entire way.

The hike is just under 9 miles and 2,200 feet of elevation, including a short detour to stop at a lunch viewpoint about 3 miles in.

Park on either side of this entrance to the logging road, and walk around the gate to start.

Right away the area opens up with sky and views of the hills.

Scotch broom, an invasive species from England that enjoys the clear cut areas found in logged regions.

You’ll need to check your map from time to time since there is quite a network of gravel roads. Past this gate is the single road which leads upward towards the peak.

You can start to see the ocean peaking through behind you.

This is definitely not your average logging road!

The ascent is steady, but the picturesque landscape takes the edge off the burn you are feeling in your calf muscles.

Gradually the road seems to be overtaken by nature. Eventually it abruptly ends, turning to single track that is still moderately steep.

The next mile or so is wooded, a fun change of pace.

If you are ready for a lunch break you can head right at a split towards a viewpoint.

This random collapsed stone hut marks the viewpoint.

Grab lunch and cool off! This rock is actually a bit off the beaten path, just above the viewpoint on the map.

Head back through leafy green foliage.

And past fantastic wildflowers!

Siberian spring beauties guide you along the trails.

Cow parsnip are everywhere. Supposedly they have a “cow-like” smell, but we did not fact check that claim.

Curly plumeless thistle.

Acute indian paintbrush.

Davison’s penstemon growing in a mat on the rocks.

Towards the top the forest becomes more dense.

Almost there! Head up through the pine needles to the top.

View from the top overlook. To the right is the actual peak. Both spots offer splendid sights. Congratulate yourself and head back!